Computer Lab

The Computer Lab at TPS School provide a conducive environment for students to unleash their creative energy beyond the classroom. Our Labs act as the ideal spaces for students to exercise Project Based learning in an interdisciplinary approach;  and providing students with the skills they need to thrive in their future careers, from technical skills to critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication and collaboration.

The IT labs feature  Programming softwares and a diverse range of equipment for prototyping.  Turbo C, Dev C++ etc. are the programming softwares available to our students, offering them with a fulfilling experience of software development. and popsicle sticks.

Science Lab

The Science Lab at TPS Schools provide a conducive environment for students to unleash their creative energy beyond the classroom. Our Labs act as the ideal spaces for students to exercise Project Based learning in an interdisciplinary approach;  and providing students with the skills they need to thrive in their future careers, from technical skills to critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication and collaboration.

The Science labs feature a comprehensive set of equipment relevant to Physics, Chemistry and Biology .The Physics, Chemistry and Biology equipment sets include the entire set of apparatus .